Jupiter Retrograde 2021: Take Up Space

Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, stations retrograde on June 20th until Oct 18th this year. Every planet, besides the Earth, stations retrograde at some point. Retrogrades are nothing to be alarmed over. They simply shift the energy of the planet more inwardly. The key is first to understand the planet's vibrations when moving direct, then become aware of the opportunities available to you when these vibrations switch gears in retrograde.

Jupiter expands us. It reminds us of our potential and our capacity for growth. Jupiter is the largest planet and was almost a second Sun to our solar system. Its very nature exemplifies greatness and what happens when we don't reach for our full potential. Wherever Jupiter lies in your chart, shows the area where you can experience the most growth in your life. It also can show where you stop short of shining your brightest out of fear or some other reason you keep yourself small.

Jupiter wants you to reach the greatest version of yourself and wants you to shine. In retrograde, Jupiter asks you to look inward and realize that whatever greatness you are trying to manifest externally starts inside. We all have dreams and aspirations about what we want our lives to look like. We may have wishes of abundance or visions or success. We may even take steps to cultivate our visions and put plans in place to manifest them. However, Jupiter Retrograde reminds us that the biggest key to greatness is our own willingness to grow.

Over the next four months, remember that greatness on any level is an inside job. Abundance does not happen because of something you do. It happens because of something you are. Same with any energy you are trying to manifest in your life. You have to do the work internally and become that energy before it becomes a dependable theme in your life. If you don't believe you are worthy of success, for instance, nothing you do will create it until you change that belief.

This current Jupiter Retrograde is a fortunate transit. It occurs in the sign of Pisces, one of the traditional signs Jupiter rules. It also begins when the Sun and Moon trine Jupiter, creating a triangle of energy in the sky ruled by Water. This first few days of this transit bring about positive energy, heighten visions, and luck in all areas. Feel into these energies and decide how you want to direct them. Feel into what you want to manifest in your life and what shifts need to take place internally for you to create your best life. Also, notice ways in which you self-sabotage to keep yourself small. Begin to take up more space this transit and know that you deserve it.

Below are some journaling questions to help you tap into your potential over this transit and start stepping into your full potential.


What in your life needs some super-sizing from Jupiter?

What leap can you make that breaks through self-imposed limitations?

How are you keeping yourself small, and why? What are you afraid of?

Where are you ready to grow in your life and what, or who, can help you?

What is something great you are trying to manifest?

What do you need to shift vibrationally within yourself to create it?


Jupiter Retrograde begins this year on the Summer Solstice and the start of Cancer Season. Read more about these astrological energies and how they can help you become the person you're meant to be in the Cancer Season Workbook.

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