Transform self-doubt and perfectionism into unwavering confidence with the Good Enough Course

A 4-week online course on worthiness and self love, guided by founder of Spirit Daughter Jill Wintersteen – & the healing energy of the Virgo Lunar Cycle


One-of-a-kind self-development courses designed to harness the energy of the current lunar cycle to set powerful intentions and manifest the life of your dreams.

“This course truly is everything” – Anna J
“Spirit Daughter's courses are always so helpful to dive into oneself, if you are willing to work a bit.” – Natalia A.

To feel worthy of abundance…

Many of us carry traumas or past experiences that are painful and reinforce a false narrative – one that demands your past faults and failures equal unworthiness. And while we may know in our heads this is not true, it doesn’t mean our hearts believe it.

Does this sound familiar?

  • I struggle with setting boundaries and people pleasing – I tend to overanalyze everything and get stuck in indecision
  • I want everything to be perfect so badly - and that often paralyzes me from moving forward or making progress
  • Sometimes I don't feel worthy of abundance – like I'm not that special – why should I be deserving of the relationship/career/dreams I desire?
  • I want to heal the wounds inside me – the ones that whisper ‘you’re not good enough – you’re not worthy of this
  • I am proud of the work I’ve put into myself so far – but I’m ready to go deeper in my healing journey
  • I feel like I’m at a crossroads – like I’m ready to step into my power but something is blocking me from what’s next

If you struggle with feeling good enough, you’re not alone.

In fact 8/10 people struggle with feelings of shame and low self esteem.

The journey to ‘good enough’ can be a difficult road and all of us start out at different points. 

It takes facing your shadows and letting go of your failures, recognizing you deserve love, acceptance and abundance – exactly as you are. 

 And all of those things require deep healing. 

What if I told you there's a reason you feel stuck? 
 – that the reason you’re having trouble manifesting the life you want is… 

because you don't believe you deserve it 

Worthiness is not just a component of manifestation – it is the foundation. 

And the truth is – you simply cannot manifest a life you don’t feel worthy of living.

Introducing the 
Good Enough Course

A step-by-step journey to recognizing & dismantling perfectionism, embracing your unique strengths, and unraveling shame – so you can rise up into your power and use it as a catalyst to manifest your wildest dreams.
Taught by founder of Spirit Daughter – Jill Wintersteen (that’s me👋) – you’ll leave this course with an elevated sense of self, unshakeable confidence in your divine power, and the inherent knowledge that you truly are good enough.
Each phase of the Lunar Cycle covers a unique aspect of feeling good enough – designed to channel the energy of the moon while releasing old beliefs that no longer serve you.
Taught through a combination of approachable, on-demand video tutorials, audio clips, meditations, EFT practices, affirmations and journaling prompts delivered through our course portal –you’ll step out of the Virgo Lunar Cycle feeling whole.

If you don't know me yet...
I'm Jill Wintersteen

Founder of the 2.3m+ Spirit Daughter Community – and creator of each Spirit Daughter course and workbook. 

But 20 years ago, I was couch surfing across California trying to understand the meaning of life

Between a masters in Psychology, dropping out of a PHD in neuroscience – and the whole world of yoga, meditation, psychedelics and astrology (with some questionable decisions along the way…) 

I discovered the profound power of channeling the energy of the new moon to manifest your dreams.
In each of these courses… 
I’ll teach you how to awaken your own power, shed limiting beliefs that are holding you back – and manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.

Over the next 28 days you will…

  • Learn to recognize and dismantle the barriers of perfectionism blocking your way towards success
  • Unravel the intricate dance between self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence
  • Embrace your imperfections as unique markers of your own singular journey and character
  • Discover how your natal chart's sixth house can reveal your natural talents and serve as a guide on your path to fulfillment
  • Surrender old beliefs and stand in your power of worthiness

Shift towards unconditional love and belonging – and you’ll harness the power to accomplish anything.

What We Explore in the Virgo Lunar Cycle…

Phase 1: The New Moon – Understanding + Overcoming Perfectionism

Perfectionism is at the root of feeling unworthy and it’s in the perpetual pursuit of ‘perfect’ that we end up feeling less than. During the first week of the New Moon, we explore the concept of perfectionism, identify our own tendencies, shift our beliefs, accept what we can’t change and embody all our imperfections so you can truly love yourself.

Phase 2: The First Quarter – Self-Worth, Manifestation & Healing

In the second phase of the lunar cycle, we focus on laying solid foundations and building intentions. Here is where we explore different aspects of self, redefining self worth, setting boundaries, understanding what healthy self-esteem feels like and how to open yourself up to taking back your power.

Phase 3: The Full Moon – Recognizing + Sharing Your Gifts

Imagine what you could accomplish if you truly believed you were worthy of it. Week three dives into why our subconscious hides our natural talents and gifts, and how to identify what they are using the sixth house in your natal chart. Understanding that our talents are gifts from the divine gives us the freedom to contribute to the greater good of the world.

Phase 4: The Last Quarter – Self-Confidence, Intuition + Spirituality

In the final lunar phase of Virgo, we nurture your sense of self with a compilation of self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem so you can love yourself more completely. Diving into boundaries, people pleasing, using your intuition and reflecting on everything we’ve learned to set you up for the next lunar cycle – and the next phase of your life.

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get:

  • The Spirit Daughter App – where you can connect with our exclusive community, take your course, ask questions and get feedback from our team
  • Weekly Videos – Easily digestible, 10-15 minute videos guided by Jill (me!) available on desktop or the app
  • Weekly Meditations – Custom guided meditations around worthiness and self-love
  • Exclusive Live Q&A – where you’ll get to ask pressing questions and hear from others on the same journey
  • Astrological Insights – Daily briefings on lunar and cosmic energies, empowering you to feel good enough every day
  • Daily Self Discovery – journaling prompts, readings, and activities you can spend 15 minutes on (or an hour! depending on your schedule)
  • Exclusive Community – Share and connect with like-minded souls on parallel journeys
  • 12-Months Access – unlimited access for a full year so you can revisit the material again and again.

Let this all-encompassing, energy channeling, therapeutic blend of course and cosmic consciousness – reprogram the way you see yourself… so you can truly feel Good Enough.


Imagine what it would feel like…

  • To wake up each day deeply connected to your self worth and identity – moving through the world with the intrinsic knowledge that you are enough
  • To unconditionally love yourself while releasing shame and guilt – knowing your imperfections are what make you so special
  • To recognize your talents as divine gifts, meant to be nurtured and used for the betterment of the world around you
  • To feel worthy of your intuition – releasing the need for external validation or direction, making empowered choices that guide you further down your sacred journey
  • To be a powerful creator and manifester – taking inspired action and watching the magic of your life unfold

Imperfection is where the magic of life exists.

Rewrite your programming, step into your power and manifest the life you were born to live.
Your path is waiting patiently. Are you ready to answer the call?

Frequently asked questions

How long does the course take each day to complete?

Course content takes about 30-40 minutes a day. Jill suggests completing these practices in the morning, but you can do them at any time!

How is the course delivered?

The Course is delivered via our online course platform or our Spirit Daughter mobile App. You can access the content anytime or anywhere on your computer, tablet or mobile device.

How do I access the course platform?

Find your course on the Spirit Daughter website in the navigation bar under Courses > Circle Member Login. Bookmarking this page will make it easy to return to your journey anytime. First, you will need to Create Your Circle Account.

Are daily emails included?

Yes, you will receive a daily email each day with the current astrological energy (moon phases, planetary positions, etc) and instructions on how to use this energy with your course content. You can respond to one of these emails or reach out to to opt out of these daily emails.
What is a Lunar Cycle?
Yes, you will receive a daily email each day with the current astrological energy (moon phases, planetary positions, etc) and instructions on how to use this energy with your course content. You can respond to one of these emails or reach out to to opt out of these daily emails.
What if I miss a day?
No worries! You can always jump back in and catch up or skip to the current day. Your coursework will still be transformative even if you are out of sync with the current astrology.
What support is offered?
We have an amazing Collective community page you are invited to when enrolled in any single course. There, you will meet other course participants, have access to the Spirit Daughter Team for questions, and be able to ask Jill course questions as well. The Spirit Daughter Team also provides daily astrology insights and bonus video content here.
What if I miss the live FAQ?
All of our Live Q&A Calls are recorded and you'll be sent a replay link afterward.