Mercury Retrograde and your VOTE

On October 13th Mercury stations retrograde for its final time in 2020. It will station retrograde in Scorpio, head into Libra on Oct 27th where it will station direct on November 3rd, otherwise known as Election Day. Before you start to panic, know that it’s going to be ok. Nothing in the Universe is accidental, not even the collision of Mercury and Mars Retrograde with our all important Election. We can’t control the planets, so the only option is to trust them and their energy. Just like 2020 itself, this retrograde is something we must surrender to and know that it’s all part of the process.

There are a few key things to know about Mercury Retrograde especially since it is conceding with a very important time time in the history of the United States. Mercury rules communication, information exchange, and systems that help us communicate. This includes written, verbal and electronic forms of communication. Mercury also rules the actions and energy of the Post Office. Not to mention your email server, social media apps, and phone calls.

When a planet stations retrograde it spins the energy of that planet inwards. Since Mercury is such an outward going energy, meaning it helps energy flow away from us, things go a bit haywire when the retrograde vibrations cause the flow to go inward. On a personal level, this can be quite beneficial, as it helps us communicate with ourselves on a deeper level. On a system level, it can cause delays and breakdowns. It can also cause miscommunication and unchecked boxes. While it may allow you to become very clear on your personal path forward it may make the path forward for this country a bit bumpy. 

I think we can safely say Mercury Retorgrade may cause some hiccups in already hiccupy election. Knowing this, though, we can take some actions to protect our voices and our vote. I normally don’t center astrological advice around politics but this one seemed too important. Here are some tips for you to traverse this time and how Mercury Rx may make these seemingly simple tasks more complicated.

Confirm your voter registration. Mercury Rx can cause systems we rely upon to give us unexpected results. Confirm you are registered to vote and what address you have associated with your registration including where your ballot will be mailed and poll location here:

Check voting instructions for your state (three times). Voting instructions  varying by county and it can be confusing this year, made even more confusing by Mercury Rx, who can block understanding from outside sources. Look up specific to your state/county here:

Know your dates. Look up the key dates for registration, adddress change deadlines, early voting and other dates here:

Make a plan (based on your state) Where are you voting? how are you voting? how are you getting there? If mailing your ballot, when are you mailing it? Mercury Rx can shift our plans and appointments greatly. Meetings are often missed during this transit. Give yourself room for error when making your voting plan. 

If you are mailing your ballot, mail as early as possible and take it directly to the post office. Most post offices have mailboxes outside so you won't even need to go indoors. Mercury rules the post office, who already has had a tough year. Give the post office extra time. 

If you are dropping your ballot off at a drop off location, check times and days it it open.  I've seen times ranging from "24 hour" to "sunrise to sunset." Time can be heavily miscommunicated during Mercury Rx especially when making dates. Don’t assume anything and have a back up location.You can find your county's drop off ballot location by searching "Your county drop off ballot." Here is the site for Los Angeles County: (found by typing Los Angles drop off ballot.")

Triple check your ballot instructions before filling it out. Most ballots want you to use blue or black pen and have instructions on how to fill out circles, etc... These are the details Mercury Rx is known to make you skip. Read the instruction throughly, even out loud to make sure you are following them all. Once you know what pen to use, fill in your ballot slowly and carefully.

Read your ballot throughly and do any research where needed. In states with props, read them over a few times and make sure you understand them. They can be worded oddly, where you a no can mean a yes and vice versa. Get clear on the meaning of all yes's and no's. Miscommunication is what Mercury Rx is known for- read things multiple times during this transit. This rule goes for everything in your life, not just your ballot.

Triple check your choices, making sure all circles are filled in correctly. Mercury is the planet of messengers. Your ballot is your messenger. Make sure your message, and voice, comes out clearly. 

Sign it! Most counties pull your signature from the DMV for your voter registration. Check on your county election page for this info. Some counties will even allow you to update your signature on file.

Sign up for a ballot tracker if available. You can sign up for your state/county here:

Mercury is stationing direct on Election day. This station creates a small chance of helping everything go swimmingly well and could actually expedite the results. It is unlikely given the nature of this election, but possible due to an aspect Mercury is making with Saturn. Send this glimmer of hope some energy and hold space for Mercury Direct to rise to its highest potential and give us speedy results. On the flip side, don’t hold your breath but keep holding the vision of the best possible outcome for all peoples for as long as it takes.

Find out how Mercury Retrograde will affect the New Moon in Libra and the Blue Moon in Taurus in the workbooks. 

Happy Voting! 

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