Pluto in Aquarius: Power to the People

Pluto enters Aquarius for it’s final time on November 19th until 2043. The longer a planet remains in a sign, the greater the impact on society. Pluto’s shift into Aquarius is a big deal for the collective energy. Partly because Aquarius rules the collective but also because it will remain there for two decades. The longer a planet remains in a sign, the more impactful it becomes on societal energy. This is why we pay more attention to transits of the outer planets for long-term patterns and collective themes.

Pluto sits at the edge of the solar system, signifying the boundary to the rest of the Universe. In astrology, Pluto rules the cycles of life, including birth, death, and rebirth. Pluto often helps us find acceptance, closure, and healing in our past. It guides us in saying goodbye to past pain and even helps us destroy patterns that bind us to yesterday. Through this destruction, Pluto offers regeneration and new beginnings. It transforms the old into something new. In Aquarius, it ushers in innovation and new paradigms for the collective.

It takes Pluto 248 years to circle the Sun. Its last stint in Aquarius occurred from 1777- 1798. This period brought about the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the French Revolution, the discovery of Uranus (Aquarius’s ruler), Utilitarianism, and the Age of Enlightenment. It was also marked by discoveries like the first hot air balloon ride, black holes, and the first successful vaccination developed for smallpox.  It’s important to note that no one on this planet has lived through this transit. The energy of Pluto in Aquarius is a first for all of us. And we all traverse its upheavals and pushes forward together.

Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and carries many of the same traits. Pluto encourages us to look at our shadows or the things we’d rather avoid. This energy will apply on a personal and collective level. Pluto does not want us to hide from anything. It wants us to see the good, the bad, the dark, the light, the acceptable, and the incomprehensible. Pluto teaches us that when we see every energy, we empower ourselves. We can find freedom from the vibrations that hold us back or tie us to the past. In accepting every energy, we find wholeness within ourselves along with our creativity, intuition, and magic.

Aquarius also rules our technology and the way we solve problems. Aquarius helps us pool knowledge from different ends of the world and apply it to create new systems and methods of information exchange. It also helps us understand the world as energy. Aquarius teaches us that we are all made of the same vibrations. We are all infinitely connected to each other and the Universe around us. What we think, do, and say impacts our energy and everyone around us. Aquarius is the sign of the future. In the future, people respect each other for who they are because they know everyone’s genius is unique and equally brilliant. They also understand that what we do with our energy impacts everyone in society because we are all connected through one Universal vibration.

Pluto’s entry into Aquarius marks a time when great transformations are available to society. Some of these transformations may be how we are governed as a society. There may be revolutions on different levels as people stand up for themselves and demand what they deserve. There will be a collective urge to define our lives how we want and not how we are told to live them. During Pluto in Aquarius, people want to separate from the feeling of being controlled. We will fiercely pursue freedom from any type of oppression. This includes freedom from capitalism, patriarchal systems, racism, fascism, and anything that makes us feel disempowered. Pluto in Aquarius is a time to bring power to the people, all people. It’s a time for everyone to feel they are an equal contributing member of society and valued just as much as anyone else.

With Pluto, though, we always see a dark side. To reach the higher vibrations of this transit, a light will be shone on where power dynamics are imbalanced. Places where people are not treated fairly or justly will be highlighted under this transit. The headlines may scream of atrocities fueled by protests and division. The shadows of the light will be seen so that we can shift them. To create change, we will need to know what we are changing. The old paradigms and ways of being will fight back. They will not transmute without a fight. They will hang on. And some people will need to be carried forward into a new era, kicking and screaming. On the flip side, progressive movements will swing the pendulum in the opposite direction. This will also cause division as the people who aren’t on board with the new world order are outcast. By the end of the transit, we will find balance. Eventually, everyone will come around and accept that times are changing.  It may be a long journey, though.

It’s also important to note that we have a choice as a collective and as individuals. Pluto in Aquarius is not a twenty-year sentence, but rather a choice. Consider 2024 the year we decide. Do we want to spend years battling over who is right, or do we want to accept that everyone holds a little bit of truth, and the only way to reconcile all of it is to keep reaching for the light. The shadows will be tempting. Notice how you contribute to the collective shadow through your fear, anger, and distractions. Then decide to find the light within you.

Contribute love and compassion instead of anger. When the headlines scream for your attention, give them love. Find the people helping. Find what opens your heart. Find the hope. If something feels heartbreaking, cry, then send love to those who need it. Feel for others and connect with them, strengthening the connection of the world. Then look for what is being revealed and how it can help move the collective forward to real unity. Remember that we are all on this planet together at the moment and we are all energetically connected. Work on yourself, your shadows, and your vibration. Then send out higher frequencies to the collective to contribute to change—real change.

Over the period of Pluto in Aquarius, we may also see the rise of advanced technologies—ones we could only dream of last decade. Aquarius is the sign of invention and genius. Pluto also rules pandemics and the transformation they bring. We could see the invention of many technologies and medicines around the pandemic that will transform the way we operate in society. Pluto has a way of coming in and changing things so much that we barely remember the way it was before. We may see these changes happen around tools we use against viruses and other pathogens affecting society.

We may also see the explosion of Artificial Intelligence under this transit as it infiltrates our collective consciousness. There will be an initial backlash to this technology, which comes with the energy of Aquarius. To move forward, there will always be moments of resistance. AI may also end up causing unnecessary fear in the collective as we imagine its shadow side. Some of these shadows may even come to fruition. Eventually, balance will be found, and this technology will find its place in our future. There will be many cycles in the evolution of AI. Some will occur while Saturn is still in Pisces, bringing about new rules and regulations. Uranus’s journey into Gemini in 2025 will also usher in a new phase of AI, bringing it to the forefront of our communications.

Pluto in Aquarius, though, moves things forward. We can choose to dissociate or separate ourselves from the evolution before us, or we can contribute our higher vibrations. Again, the choice is yours. Aquarius vibrations include aloofness. You can choose to run to the woods, live off-grid, and create a beautiful life for yourself. If you choose to do that, know that’s your choice, and you do not need to feel pressure to be anyone but you. Just be sure to return some of your positive energy to the collective, who will need it.

On the other hand, you can choose to actively participate in society, even if you don’t like it, and help shift it from the inside out. This is not a better choice, it’s just a choice you have. You can participate in technology and connect with others across the world. You can watch the world unravel in the face of AI and come back together. You can read headlines and send love challenging yourself to stay out of fear. Just be cautious participation doesn’t lower your vibration. If you feel yourself energetically downward spiraling, take a break. Sign off, go to the woods, restore yourself. Spend time with the people you love. Spend time by yourself immersing in self-card. Always be focused on the energy you are emitting to the collective and do what you need to do to tend to it and define it.

We also may see the world of energy, quantum mechanics, and the string theory come front and center in our conscious mind. Medicine has a chance to evolve out of some of its former models and into a new vision based in energy. All of these things are under the rule of Aquarius, and with Pluto entering, transformation is on the horizon. There is no limit to this pair. We may see an entire overhaul of technology, science, and medicine as we know it. This update has the potential to include theories of vibration and frequency, seeing us as we really are—energetic beings. What the ancients knew about energy when they developed yoga and Chinese medicine may become mainstream with this transit.

With Pluto in Aquarius, it’s important to expect the unexpected. Anything can happen, including things we could never imagine. Technology that once seemed light years away may be at our doorstep over this transit. Things that will change the evolution of society may appear exactly when we need it. With Pluto, there is a bit of destruction that will be necessary for the next level to occur. Pluto is synonymous with the rising phoenix. If you see the fire starting to burn the old paradigms out of existence, look for the rising that will bring us to the next level of humanity. It will be there, just be patient and hold onto hope.

On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to think about our place in the collective. It asks us to focus on how we can contribute our unique genius to moving society forward. It also asks what we need to heal to connect with love, the highest vibration that connects all of us. It asks us where we need to transform to tap into our personal power—the one capable of changing our lives and those around us. Aquarius has the tendency to place in the mental realm. This is not the most emotional sign. Stay connected to your emotions through this transit. Resist the urge to disconnect from them. Feel your emotions and let them connect you with others. That’s one of the keys to working with the energy—feel.

As you work with this energy, ask yourself what shadows do you need to embrace and accept in yourself. What do you need to bring to the light? Look for hidden secrets. Look for patterns that disempower you. Be more aware of your triggers. Pay special attention to anything that triggers you and ask how you can heal it. Then ask how healing this within you can help heal the collective or bring light to the collective shadow. If the world seems grim or dark, bring the light.

This transit will help us destroy the boundaries we place between ourselves and others. It’s a time to see yourself in those around you and know we all share the same air.  Pluto helps us understand the ongoing cycle of our energy, and in Aquarius, it helps us see how this life is connected to past lifetimes. Furthermore, we have created karma with everyone we share this planet with right now. We are all connected today, tomorrow, and in many past iterations of our energy. We all exist right now together for a reason. We may never know that reason, but we have a karmic commitment to show up and attempt to figure out our place in all of it.

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