Fierce Living Course


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unlimit yourself

and become who you've always wanted to be

Become a Circle Member to access this course immediately. It will be available as a single course during Leo Season.   

Are you ready to radically transform your life and step into your most empowered, joyful self? If you're nodding your head yes, the Fierce Living Course is calling your name!

This isn't just another self-help program. It's an invitation to an energetic evolution. One that will leave you with the unshakable confidence to be wholly, unapologetically YOU. It’s a journey where you'll learn to embrace every single part of yourself - even the parts you've been taught to hide away.

The truth is, living fiercely isn't about having it all figured out. It's about loving yourself unconditionally, showing up authentically in every moment, and having the courage to release the blocks and old stories that keep you playing small.

When you live fiercely, you love your life fiercely, giving yourself permission to play, to laugh from your belly, and to celebrate yourself every day. 

Fierce Living Course

Over the course of 28 magical days, you’ll become:

🌟 A radiant being who wakes up each day deeply connected to your joy and creativity. You'll move through the world with an open heart, courageously sharing your truth.

💗 An unconditional lover of yourself. You'll learn the pillars of self-compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. Shame and guilt no longer run the show - you'll love and embrace all parts of yourself, even the ones you once tried to hide.

☀️ A vulnerable, authentic force. You have the courage to show up fully as yourself in every situation, even when it feels scary. You'll believe in the magic that happens when you share your true self.

🦁 The bold leader of your own life. You’ll no longer look outside yourself for validation or direction. You trust your intuition and make empowered choices that light up your soul.

🪄 A powerful creator and manifester. With newfound confidence and alignment, you'll feel empowered to manifest the life of your dreams. You'll take inspired action and watch the magic unfold.

And here's the best part - the Universe is supporting you in this journey. The upcoming Leo New Moon is all about owning your power and celebrating your most brilliant self. Set intentions on the New Moon, then begin this course the day after, on August 5th, to manifest those intentions over the Leo Lunar Cycle. 


Join before Aug 6th to align with the Leo lunar cycle

What You Will Receive

✔️ Weekly Videos: Dive into the core of Fierce Living with topics on joy, self-love, bravery, and leadership.

✔️ Weekly Meditations: Ground your intentions with meditations designed to connect you to your center.

✔️ Exclusive Live Q&A: Receive personalized guidance from Jill, the heart and soul behind Spirit Daughter.

✔️ Astrological Insights: Daily briefings on lunar and cosmic energies, empowering you to live fiercely every day.

✔️ Inspirational Daily Content & Journaling Prompts: Explore what Fierce Living means to you on a deeper level.

✔️ Community Space: Join a community of like-minded souls on the same path toward fearless authenticity.

✔️ Access Anytime, Anywhere: With our dedicated course platform inspiration is always within reach. Plus, enjoy 12 months of access to revisit and deepen your practice.

Manifest the intentions you set on the Leo New Moon

What Does Fierce Living Mean?

Fierce Living is about owning who you are and loving every bit of it. It's having honest dialogues with yourself and the world, using vulnerability as your strength, and never seeking approval beyond your own. It's about self-compassion, embracing your flaws, and understanding that while no one else can save you, you have the power to save yourself. Fierce Living means leading your life with heart, inspiring others by example, and being the person you've always known you could be.

Dare to live fiercely, to be the leader you were always meant to be. Join us on this 28 day journey and discover the power of living authentically. Your fiercest life awaits.

Fierce Living Course
  • How long does the course take each day to complete?

    Course content takes about 30-40 minutes a day. Jill suggests completing these practices in the morning, but you can do them at any time!

  • How is the course delivered?

    The Course is delivered via our online course platform. You can access the content anytime or anywhere on your computer, tablet or mobile device.

  • How do I access the course platform?

    Find your course on the Spirit Daughter website in the navigation bar under Courses > Circle Member Login. Bookmarking this page will make it easy to return to your journey anytime. First, you will need to Create Your Circle Account.

  • Are daily emails included?

    Yes, you will receive a daily email each day with the current astrological energy (moon phases, planetary positions, etc) and instructions on how to use this energy with your course content. You can respond to one of these emails or reach out to to opt out of these daily emails.

  • What is a Lunar Cycle?

    A lunar cycle is a 29 day period that begins on a New Moon and ends with the next New Moon. Our courses are designed to span one lunar cycle.

  • What if I miss a day?

    No worries! You can always jump back in and catch up or skip to the current day. Your coursework will still be transformative even if you are out of sync with the current astrology.

  • How long do I have access?

    You have access to the full course and meditations for 12 months after purchase.

  • What if I miss the live FAQ?

    All of our Live Q&A Calls are recorded and you'll be sent a replay link afterward.

  • What support is offered?

    We have an amazing Collective community page you are invited to when enrolled in any single course. There, you will meet other course participants, have access to the Spirit Daughter Team for questions, and be able to ask Jill course questions as well. The Spirit Daughter Team also provides daily astrology insights and bonus video content here.

step into your power and meet the next version of you

meet your guide

jill wintersteen

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter and the creator of each course in The Circle Membership. She noticed a growing need for daily guidance within her community, so she designed these courses specifically to help people manifest their dreams through deep personal work and community support.

Jill spent two decades trying to figure out her life. In that time, she devoted herself to self-growth, diving into the worlds of psychology, neuroscience, meditation programs, and countless books to discover who she was and what would make her happy.

Now, after years of experiencing the benefits of these practices in her own life, she's bringing them to her community through The Circle Membership. Over the course of a year, she will teach you how to create lasting change and awaken your power to create the life you want and deserve.

Now's your time to Roar