How to Use the New Moon Workbook 🌙

For millions of years there has been a natural cycle of energy that flavors our atmosphere, the Lunar cycle. The Moon is as present in our world as the Sun and highly predictable once we learn her rhythm. Her energy is strong and pulls on our energetic body the way she pulls on the tides of our seas.
The Moon, like the planets, is flavored by the zodiac sign it’s traveling through. The New Moon is always in the same sign the Sun is currently in, making this unique energy extra potent during this period. We can align our thoughts and energy with the qualities of the zodiac to best utilize the energy and information available to us. This what the New Moon Workbook guides you to do.
So what’s in the book?
Each workbook starts with a unique perspective of the New Moon, there are so many ways to observe this energy, the workbook takes a different angle every month. Then there is a description of the zodiac sign the Sun and Moon are currently in, which is a more general overview of the energy. The next section gets more specific, pulling in current astrological events for this month’s New Moon and how you can align your energy, mind and body to it’s vibration. To help further align you, crystals are listed for each cycle. There is also a section that explains how your Moon sign will be affected by the current Moon and what emotions may come up for you this cycle.
With all this information on the current astrology, the workbook transitions into an interactive experience. First, guiding you through the process of setting up a ritual space for you to practice in. Next there is a guided meditation and short yoga practice to help move and clear your energy. These practices are meant to tap you into your intuition so you can clearly hear the answers in the rest of the book.
The next two sections are for you to turn inward and find answers within yourself. The New Moon is the perfect time to do this, as the veil between the subconscious mind and conscious mind is lifted, giving us access to our deepest thoughts. The journaling questions presented in the book are meant to encourage you to think about topics in your life. They are themed by the zodiac sign that month, so the answers will already be at the surface by the current energy surrounding you. Answering the questions gives you information on what things to work on in your life and illuminates some perceptions that may be blocking you.
After the questions are answered - and please take your time with these- the workbook moves on to the intention setting section where you are given a place to dream. This is your space to create and envision any life you want. It’s the most important practice and the one that is best done on the New Moon or a day before or after it. Intentions set on the New Moon carry extra energy because of the extra spark that is already in the cosmos. It’s a powerful time to design our life and we can truly create magic during this time.
Q & A
Do I have to be the same zodiac sign as the book? No, it's for everyone, no matter your sun or moon sign
Do I have to use it on the New Moon? No, you can use it anytime. As mentioned, it’s best to do the intention setting practice on the New Moon, but the rest of the book can be read days or weeks before, the information is applicable at any time during the month of that zodiac sign.
What does the New Moon in {insert sign} mean? The Moon rises each night in a certain zodiac constellation, including the New Moon. Each month the book talks about the zodiac sign that New Moon will be in and the energy it holds for you.
Do I need all the crystals mentioned in the book? No, they are suggested but not required for the practice.
Why is it a workbook? It's really part guide, part journal. There are questions and exercises in each book that makes it a workbook also. There is much work to do with the information presented and the energy available to us, the book gets you started in the right direction.
Why do this every month? Aligning with the Moon every month and practicing a ritual, helps us align with ourselves. We create a space to check in with out thoughts, redesign parts of lives and reaffirm the parts we want to keep.
How should I actually use the workbook?
Spend a week or two before the New Moon reading and digesting the material. A few days before the New Moon, begin to think about what you are letting go this cycle. On the day of the New Moon (or day before/after) set up your space, invite some friends if you like and practice the meditation and yoga. Once you feel centered and ready, begin to answer the questions and setting intentions. You continue to check in with yourself through the rest of the lunar cycle with the Moon phase check in at the end of the book. Most importantly, trust yourself and your intuition. Feel the energy around you and allow yourself to be moved by it.
My goal as the writer of the workbooks is to give you practical information that you can understand and use to help you harness the energy of the Moon. It’s meant to be an experience that you can partake in every month, with yourself and others. It’s a time for you to step into your power, hear your intuition and use to help build the life of your dreams.
Buy the New Moon Workbook here
This is amazing. I didn’t realize you had started publishing these! YUM!
Is your subscription sold out? I couldn’t order the printed version…