Feminine and Masculine Zodiac Signs
*updated April 21, 2023
Zodiac signs are either inherently masculine or feminine, meaning they take on these qualities in their frequency. It’s important to note that all beings, and astrological bodies, contain both masculine and feminine energy. We are a mix of both of these energies and they have little to do with gender. Masculine and Feminine are types of energy. Certain zodiac signs take on more masculine qualities but that does not mean they affect men more or less. Likewise, other signs take on feminine attributes but do not affect only women. All zodiac signs affect all genders, just in different ways.
The feminine, or nocturnal, energies are the Earth and Water signs. It’s an attuned energy that helps us connect with our intuition and softness. Feminine energy is what rules the Moon. It is “being” energy and helps us receive. This receptive energy uses intuition and feeling for guidance. Feminine energy helps us surrender to the natural rhythm of life rather than try to control it. Feminine zodiac signs are more receptive and subtle in their influence. They affect our inner world, including our feelings, and our intuition.
When a planet falls in a feminine sign, it takes on an inward quality. For instance, Uranus is currently positioned in Taurus, a feminine sign. Uranus is the planet of change and individuality. In Taurus, Uranus helps us break through old paradigms by aligning with our feminine qualities like abundance and intuition. The feminine signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. These signs turn our attention inward and compel us towards introversion. They help quiet our mind so we can be still with the world around us and hear our inner guidance.
The masculine, or diurnal, energies are the Fire and Air signs. It’s the energy that rules the Sun. It is “doing” energy and helps us act. It is action-oriented and seeks results through logic and practical measures. Masculine zodiac signs are typically more direct and energetic. They affect our interactions with the external world. When a planet is in a masculine sign, it takes on this outward energy. The masculine astrological signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. These signs help us express ourselves to the world. They help us extrovert our energy and interact with others in meaningful exchanges. They also help us interact with our surroundings and enter situations objectively, putting our subjective reality aside.
When a planet is in a masculine sign, it takes on this outward energy. For instance, Pluto is currently positioned in Aquarius, a masculine sign. Pluto is the planet of transformation. In Aquarius, this planet helps us look outside of ourselves to see where transformation could take place. It also empowers us to take action in the world versus contemplating these changes inwardly.
When New Moons land in feminine signs, it becomes a receptive time to go deep within your inner world, lead by your intuition, to transform yourself from the inside out. On feminine New Moons, emotions to run high, but along with them, expect hidden knowledge to flourish. Make sure to spend time with your feelings, even if they are intense, and focus on the art of being. Receive the answers you seek instead of trying to control them with logic.
Remember, logic can not tell you what will make you happy or content, you must feel your way to those answers. Logic and masculine energy can help you understand what steps you may need to take to achieve your goals, but they can not tell you what visions resonate with your soul and your life’s journey. Only your intuition and emotions can tell you what path will lead to your ultimate fulfillment. Furthermore, these answers can not be achieved, they must be received.
You can learn more about how to work with the energy of each Lunar Cycle to help you grow, learn, heal and manifest with the Moon Workbooks.
Well, it looks like I’m not the first to say it but, I grabbed a sticky note to write down your quote about “Logic”. It is a profound statement that resonates and helps to quiet the monkey mind when it spins out of control. I am loving this website content and my first Taurus journal. The information is so well laid out and I resonate with the cadence, beauty and flow of what is conveyed. Thank you!
This! So powerful:
“Only your intuition and emotions can tell you what path will lead to your ultimate fulfillment. Furthermore, these answers can not be achieved, they must be received.“
Oh my…
Have to agree with Melissa in the comment above (or below??). “Cannot tell you what visions resonate with your soul and your life’s journey.” Very powerful words and hit me in the solar plexus!
“Remember, logic can not tell you what will make you happy or content, you must feel your way to those answers. “ dropping golden nuggets of life advice! That really resonated with me! Thank you🥰
“Received not achieved “is my new mantra! Thank you Jill!
Thank you
the paragraph directly above the last one in this article was bone chilling to me… It made everything I’ve been going through make complete sense. I am so grateful to have stumbled across your literature. Wonderful life changing definition for me. Everything is perspective they say and these words in this last paragraph put the last 10 to 12 years in total perspective for me. Thank you may you be blessed many times over and over.